Congratulations! You have reached the #1 manufacturer of 1000v dielectric
double insulated electrical tools and safety equipment.
are a W/MBE company that purchased NEIP, Inc
(an industry leader in insulated tools for almost 20 years). Since then...
We set our sites on one mission: Produce the absolute Highest
Quality insulated tools on the planet, offer them at the absolute Lowest Possible Prices, back it up with our uncompromised Industry Leading Service.
Mission Accomplished! ESP
insulated tools are without question The Best Value in insulated tools in the world today.
Quality - All our tools are 100%
Made in the U.S.A. Forged from only the highest grade U.S. virgin steel. Precision
engineered to exacting standards. Finished, modified, double insulated and tested to far exceed F1505 dialectric
certification standards.
Direct Pricing -
You buy Direct! - Best Value! Best Pricing!
Service - Industry leading service!
Available 7 days a week!
*** Attention Purchasers ***
We are a W/MBE organization. Conducting business with a W/MBE organization profoundly
impacts your company's ability to secure local, state, and federal contracts. Your bids will catapolt to the
top regardless of pricing. We also help companies with current government contracts fulfill their
W/MBE small business contracting obligations.
